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EAA Web Session: „An Introduction to Economic Scenario Generators and their Validation“

25. März 2021, 09:30 - 14:30

In the web session, we begin by describing random number simulation techniques, which underpin ESG work. We also talk about variance reduction techniques, which improve the efficiency / the precision of stochastic modelling. We move on to discuss risk-neutral equity modelling and interest rate modelling. We conclude our program on day 1 by considering real-world scenario generation.

On day 2, we talk about ESG validation aspects before moving on to the ESG applications. First, we introduce the ESG Rebasing technology, which allows the users to produce univariate and combined stress scenarios by recycling their baseline ESG package. We continue by discussing a case study of a UK Internal Model Firm, which has implemented Daily Solvency Monitoring to operationalize their Solvency II calculations for risk management purposes.

Anmeldeschluss: 22.03.2021

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