European Actuarial Academy (EAA)

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EAA Web Session: CERA, Module C: Processes in ERM

Online-Veranstaltung (MS Teams)

This module deals with the challenges of implementing ERM Processes. It includes requirements on ERM Processes and the discussion of best practices. It will be presented how to define an organisation’s risk strategy, risk appetite, risk tolerances and limits. We discuss how business strategy influences risk strategy and show their necessary interaction. We demonstrate the […]

EAA Web Session: IFRS 17: A Deep Dive Into Revenue from Insurance Contracts

This web session takes a closer look at the "top line" item in the profit and loss account: insurance contract revenue. Depending on the nature of the business, insurance revenue may be very similar to the starting point for net income calculation according to current accounting regimes – or it may substantially differ. In either […]

EAA Web Session: Operational Risk for Actuaries

Operational risk is the risk of loss, arising from inadequate or failed internal processes, people and systems or from external events. That is the definition of operational risk for regulatory purposes. Operational risk management is usually part of ERM and actuaries are typically not involved in these processes. That is often because of poor data […]

EAA Web Session: Understanding the COVID Pandemic – Models in Mathematical Epidemiology

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, mathematical epidemiology has been tasked with explaining and forecasting case and fatality numbers based on incomplete data. As both the disease itself as well as policies introduced to curtail its spread turned out to have considerable effects on health and economic outcomes, it is more imperative than ever […]

EAA Web Session: Operational Risk for Actuaries

Operational risk is the risk of loss, arising from inadequate or failed internal processes, people and systems or from external events. That is the definition of operational risk for regulatory purposes. Operational risk management is usually part of ERM and actuaries are typically not involved in these processes. That is often because of poor data […]

EAA e-Conference on Data Science & Data Ethics

The actuarial focus has changed significantly over the last couple of years. Computational power is increasing with exponential growth, in addition more and more data is available. This combination puts the actuarial profession into a position where a new understanding has to be developed on today‘s possibilities of actuarial science and its ethical implications. The […]

EAA Web Session: Understanding the Covid Pandemic – Models in Mathematical Epidemiology

In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, mathematical epidemiology has been tasked with explaining and forecasting case and fatality numbers based on incomplete data. As both the disease itself as well as policies introduced to curtail its spread turned out to have considerable effects on health and economic outcomes, it is more imperative than ever […]

EAA Web Session: Actuarial Data Science Introplication

Due to technological progress in connection with Data Science and Digitalization, summarized under the buzzword Big Data, a plethora of opportunities and challenges for the industry is arising. Technological developments have now also reached the insurance industry and thus have a direct impact on the working world of actuaries. Under the heading Actuarial Data Science, […]

EAA Web Session: Actuarial Data Science Introplication

Due to technological progress in connection with Data Science and Digitalization, summarized under the buzzword Big Data, a plethora of opportunities and challenges for the industry is arising. Technological developments have now also reached the insurance industry and thus have a direct impact on the working world of actuaries. Under the heading Actuarial Data Science, […]

EAA Web Session: How to be More Efficient in Technical Pricing in P&C Insurance

Technical Pricing of P&C Insurance is a complex thing – both technically and organizationally in the company. Most actuaries have a lot of good ideas to innovate their models, processes – their company. But they normally just lack the time or the resources to do so. This EAA web session is aiming to addresses this […]

EAA Web Session: Micro Reserving in Non-Life Insurance: A Challenge for Risk Management

The objective of this web session is to propose a use of machine learning tools in the reserving process of non-life insurance. Starting with a brief presentation of possible data science applications for data completion and analyses, the web session presents a new approach for micro reserving, based on machine learning technics and classical actuarial […]

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