European Actuarial Academy (EAA)

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EAA Web Session: Operational Risk for Actuaries

Online-Veranstaltung (MS Teams)

Operational risk is the risk of loss, arising from inadequate or failed internal processes, people and systems or from external events. That is the definition of operational risk for regulatory purposes. Operational risk management is usually part of ERM and actuaries are typically not involved in these processes. That is often because of poor data […]

EAA Web Session: ML Explainability in Actuarial Data Science: A Primer

Online-Veranstaltung (MS Teams)

Explainability is the cornerstone of practicability of ML and AI techniques – without thorough insights into the inner workings of the more advanced decision making and prediction methods, usage become hampered by the worst kind of information asymmetry: Unpredictable model outputs not fit for productive use. Ultimately, AI and ML methods will be well-suited for […]

EAA Web Session: An Introduction to Economic Scenario Generators and their Validation

Online-Veranstaltung (MS Teams)

The Economic Scenario Generators are at the core of stochastic models used by insurance companies. The applications of stochastic models are very diverse and include such applications as economic capital under Solvency II, ALM projections, dynamic hedging etc. All these applications impose different requirements upon the generation and the validation of economic scenarios. In the […]

EAA Web Session: An Introduction to Economic Scenario Generators and their Validation

Online-Veranstaltung (MS Teams)

The Economic Scenario Generators are at the core of stochastic models used by insurance companies. The applications of stochastic models are very diverse and include such applications as economic capital under Solvency II, ALM projections, dynamic hedging etc. All these applications impose different requirements upon the generation and the validation of economic scenarios. In the […]

EAA Web Session: CERA, Module C: Processes in ERM

Online-Veranstaltung (MS Teams)

This module deals with the challenges of implementing ERM Processes. It includes requirements on ERM Processes and the discussion of best practices. It will be presented how to define an organisation’s risk strategy, risk appetite, risk tolerances and limits. We discuss how business strategy influences risk strategy and show their necessary interaction. We demonstrate the […]

EAA Web Session: CERA, Module D: ERM – Economic Capital

Online-Veranstaltung (MS Teams)

The present training is concerned with the question of economic capital in corporate management. Key aspects are economic valuation and performance, economic steering, key performance indicators, and value based management. A simplified case study for a life insurer shows in a nutshell the central aspects of corporate management in practice. The course consists of lectures […]

EAA Web Session: Communication for Actuaries Veranstalter

Online-Veranstaltung (MS Teams)

The Communication for Actuaries course is tailor-made for actuaries and the situations that you encounter. It is an interactive training course that ensures that the theory is immediately applied through various exercises (e.g. exchanges in small groups, role-plays, discussions) that relate to terms or situations of your day-to-day work. The course is designed to give […]

EAA Web Session: Communication for Actuaries Veranstalter

Online-Veranstaltung (MS Teams)

The Communication for Actuaries course is tailor-made for actuaries and the situations that you encounter. It is an interactive training course that ensures that the theory is immediately applied through various exercises (e.g. exchanges in small groups, role-plays, discussions) that relate to terms or situations of your day-to-day work. The course is designed to give […]

EAA Web Session: Communication for Actuaries Veranstalter

Online-Veranstaltung (MS Teams)

The Communication for Actuaries course is tailor-made for actuaries and the situations that you encounter. It is an interactive training course that ensures that the theory is immediately applied through various exercises (e.g. exchanges in small groups, role-plays, discussions) that relate to terms or situations of your day-to-day work. The course is designed to give […]

EAA Web Session: Communication for Actuaries Veranstalter

Online-Veranstaltung (MS Teams)

The Communication for Actuaries course is tailor-made for actuaries and the situations that you encounter. It is an interactive training course that ensures that the theory is immediately applied through various exercises (e.g. exchanges in small groups, role-plays, discussions) that relate to terms or situations of your day-to-day work. The course is designed to give […]

EAA Web Session: Machine Learning and Anomaly Detection

Machine Learning (ML) allows computers to process data, analyse it in real time and learn and make decisions based on data. Diverse applications from self-driving cars to chess computers have successfully relied on ML. While the insurance industry is not necessarily known for being particularly innovative, insurance companies are increasingly embracing approaches commonly used in […]

EAA Web Session: Reinsurance under IFRS17 for Life & Health

Online-Veranstaltung (MS Teams)

2022 is the first year of full application of the new IFRS17 standard. Insurers are now fully engaged in implementation. The focus of the preparations has been on Insurance Contracts Issued whilst the treatment of Reinsurance Held has not received much attention. In this web session we provide insights into the treatment of reinsurance of […]

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