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EAA Web Session: Reinsurance for Life and Health under Solvency II and IFRS17

Solvency II has some specific requirements that have to be met to demonstrate an effective risk transfer. We discuss in theory and demonstrate for one example how to implement a reinsurance solution in practise and what also has to be considered, e.g., under ORSA and IFRS17. Registration deadline: 22 June 2021

8. Europäischer Mathematikerkongress und Minisymposium „Mathematical Challenges in Insurance“ (Online-Veranstaltung)

Im Rahmen des 8. Europäischen Mathematikerkongresses findet ein Online-Symposium zu "Mathematical Challenges in Insurance" statt. Die behandelten Themen umfassen aktuelle praktische und auch theoretische Herausforderungen in der Versicherungsmathematik. Details zur Veranstaltung finden sich auf der Webpage des 8th ECM: Registrierung und organisatorische Information Liste der Minisymposia, darunter "Mathematical Challenges in Insurance" und deren Inhalt Nebenveranstaltungen, […]

8. Europäischer Mathematikerkongress und Minisymposium „Mathematical Challenges in Insurance“ (Online-Veranstaltung)

Im Rahmen des 8. Europäischen Mathematikerkongresses findet ein Online-Symposium zu "Mathematical Challenges in Insurance" statt. Die behandelten Themen umfassen aktuelle praktische und auch theoretische Herausforderungen in der Versicherungsmathematik. Details zur Veranstaltung finden sich auf der Webpage des 8th ECM: Registrierung und organisatorische Information Liste der Minisymposia, darunter "Mathematical Challenges in Insurance" und deren Inhalt Nebenveranstaltungen, […]

8. Europäischer Mathematikerkongress und Minisymposium „Mathematical Challenges in Insurance“ (Online-Veranstaltung)

Im Rahmen des 8. Europäischen Mathematikerkongresses findet ein Online-Symposium zu "Mathematical Challenges in Insurance" statt. Die behandelten Themen umfassen aktuelle praktische und auch theoretische Herausforderungen in der Versicherungsmathematik. Details zur Veranstaltung finden sich auf der Webpage des 8th ECM: Registrierung und organisatorische Information Liste der Minisymposia, darunter "Mathematical Challenges in Insurance" und deren Inhalt Nebenveranstaltungen, […]

EAA e-Conference on Data Science & Data Ethics

The actuarial focus has changed significantly over the last couple of years. Computational power is increasing with exponential growth, in addition more and more data is available. This combination puts the actuarial profession into a position where a new understanding has to be developed on today‘s possibilities of actuarial science and its ethical implications. The […]

AMC: Kapitalmarkt – aktuelle Entwicklungen und ihre Bedeutung für den Versicherungsmarkt

Online-Veranstaltung (Zoom)

Online-Vortrag im Rahmen des Actuarial Modelling Clubs (AMC), die Teilnahme ist kostenfrei. Vortragender: DI Wolfgang Herold, FMA (Finanzmarktaufsicht), Vor-Ort-Prüfung und interne Modelle von Versicherungsunternehmen und Pensionskassen Der massive Einbruch der Aktien- und Rohstoffmärkte im Zuge der Covid-Krise im Frühjahr 2020 hat die Finanzlage österreichischer Versicherer stark beeinträchtigt. Ob diese Aussage richtig ist oder andere Marktparameter deutlich […]

actuteam Championship: Business Simulation for the Insurance Industry (Online Event)

The economic view on a company has become more and more important over the last couple of years. Many job opportunities arose for actuaries with the increasing need for economic valuation of assets and liabilities and value-based management. Executives use the concept of economic capital to enhance the management of their company. That is where […]

EAA Web Session: Understanding the Covid Pandemic – Models in Mathematical Epidemiology

In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, mathematical epidemiology has been tasked with explaining and forecasting case and fatality numbers based on incomplete data. As both the disease itself as well as policies introduced to curtail its spread turned out to have considerable effects on health and economic outcomes, it is more imperative than ever […]

EAA Web Session: Actuarial Data Science Introplication

Due to technological progress in connection with Data Science and Digitalization, summarized under the buzzword Big Data, a plethora of opportunities and challenges for the industry is arising. Technological developments have now also reached the insurance industry and thus have a direct impact on the working world of actuaries. Under the heading Actuarial Data Science, […]

EAA Web Session: Actuarial Data Science Introplication

Due to technological progress in connection with Data Science and Digitalization, summarized under the buzzword Big Data, a plethora of opportunities and challenges for the industry is arising. Technological developments have now also reached the insurance industry and thus have a direct impact on the working world of actuaries. Under the heading Actuarial Data Science, […]

EAA Web Session: How to be More Efficient in Technical Pricing in P&C Insurance

Technical Pricing of P&C Insurance is a complex thing – both technically and organizationally in the company. Most actuaries have a lot of good ideas to innovate their models, processes – their company. But they normally just lack the time or the resources to do so. This EAA web session is aiming to addresses this […]

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