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EAA Web Session: Understanding IFRS 17

Online-Veranstaltung (MS Teams)

The goal of the two-day web session is to provide participants with a comprehensive introduction to the new measurement, presentation and disclosure guidance for insurance contracts. It will cover life, health and non-life business, including the special guidance on direct participating contracts and shorter term non-life contracts and give useful examples. In the web session, […]

EAA Web Session: Actuarial Modeling for Cyber Risk (2 days)

Online-Veranstaltung (MS Teams)

After an introduction to the specificities on cyber-risk, this session gives first steps towards a better understanding of cyber risk, by providing mathematical models and actuarial analysis. For a better quantification of cyber risk, we propose innovative models, both for the severity component (size of the claims) and the frequency component (accumulation risk and clustering […]

EAA Web Session: IFRS 17: The Variable Fee Approach – Basics and Challenges (2x3h)

Online-Veranstaltung (MS Teams)

Starting from the revenue recognition concepts of fee-based services, we will discuss the qualification criteria of IFRS 17 for the VFA. Basis are certain contractual features, including the identification of the underlying items belonging to the contract. Further conditions need to be met to qualify insurer’s share in the surplus as (variable) fee. Other contractual […]

Cyber Security: „Facts, Trends und regulatorische Anforderungen“

Kurzbeschreibung: In dieser Veranstaltung erfahren Sie aus erster Hand alles über die Cyber- Abwehr als Prozess der laufende Awareness aller Unternehmensbereich die Erwartung von Regulierung und Aufsicht inclusive internationaler Aspekte die Sicht- und Herangehensweise von Beratern und Prüfern Anmeldeschluss: 2022-05-09 Link: Kosten: 419€

EAA Web Session: Recent Actuarial Machine Learning Applications: An Overview

Online-Veranstaltung (MS Teams)

Our focus will be on recently implemented models. An important criterium for the machine learning applications which will be presented in the web session is that an actual model with a company’s data has been built. In the beginning we will give a short introduction of machine learning and its best known and currently most […]

„Automatic balancing mechanisms for state pensions: Past, present and future“

Freihaus Hörsaal 8 TU Wien Wiedner Hauptstraße 8-10, Wien, Wien, Österreich

Carmen Boado-Penas, University of Liverpool, UK In Präsenz: Freihaus Hörsaal 8 (Nöbauer Hörsaal), TU Wien, 1040 Wien, Wiedner Hauptstraße 8-10   Die AVÖ vergibt für die Teilnahme an dieser Veranstaltung 1 CPD-Punkt. Es gibt keine Teilnahmegebühr. Die Anmeldung erfolgt über das auf der Veranstaltungsseite verlinkte Anmeldeformular Mit den Vorträgen im Rahmen der Veranstaltungsreihe "Actuarial […]

EAA Web Session: IFRS 17: The Variable Fee Approach – Basics and Challenges (2x3h)

Online-Veranstaltung (MS Teams)

Starting from the revenue recognition concepts of fee-based services, we will discuss the qualification criteria of IFRS 17 for the VFA. Basis are certain contractual features, including the identification of the underlying items belonging to the contract. Further conditions need to be met to qualify insurer’s share in the surplus as (variable) fee. Other contractual […]

EAA Web Session: Climate Day 3.0 – Actuaries & Climate Scientists Join Forces

Online-Veranstaltung (MS Teams)

The debate on climate change has rapidly evolved in recent years. It is no longer on whether the evidence of human impact on climate change is real, but on whether key mitigating strategies being adopted are sufficient. It is becoming increasingly evident that the actuarial community’s understanding of climate risk is not yet as developed […]

Cyber Security: „Facts, Trends und regulatorische Anforderungen“

In dieser Veranstaltung erfahren Sie aus erster Hand alles über die Cyber- Abwehr als Prozess der laufende Awareness aller Unternehmensbereich die Erwartung von Regulierung und Aufsicht inklusive internationaler Aspekte die Sicht- und Herangehensweise von Beratern und Prüfern. Anmeldeschluss: 2022-06-28 Link: Kosten: 419€

EAA Web Session: IFRS 17 – The Premium Allocation Approach

Online-Veranstaltung (MS Teams)

To enhance the applicability of the PAA, judgment of the details of the eligibility criteria is needed. We will discuss those details and the hurdles included. Further, we will discuss the details of the PAA measurement particularly in comparison with traditional methods which might be applied as approximation. The combination of the simplified approach together […]

„Aktuarielle Projektionsmodelle – mehr als nur ein Spielzeug für Aktuare“

Vortrag im Rahmen des Actuarial Modelling Clubs (AMC). Die Teilnahme ist kostenfrei. Die Veranstaltung ist öffentlich zugänglich. Die AVÖ vergibt dafür 1 CPD-Punkt. Veranstalter: Forschungsgruppe für Finanz- und Versicherungsmathematik der TU Wien in Kooperation mit der AVÖ Details und Anmeldung:

EAA Web Session: How to Read the New IFRS Balance Sheet for Insurers

Online-Veranstaltung (MS Teams)

The goal of the two hours web session is to provide participants with a comprehensive introduction on the new IFRS reporting requirements for insurance contracts after go-live of IFRS 17. Focus will be the illustration of the new reporting requirements of IFRS 17 to "demystify" the new presentation requirements on the IFRS balance sheet and […]

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