AMC: IFRS 17 Veröffentlichungen – Q2 2023 Disclosures
Vortrag im Rahmen des Actuarial Modelling Clubs (AMC). Die Teilnahme ist kostenfrei. Die Veranstaltung ist öffentlich zugänglich. Die AVÖ vergibt dafür 1 CPD-Punkt.
Vortrag im Rahmen des Actuarial Modelling Clubs (AMC). Die Teilnahme ist kostenfrei. Die Veranstaltung ist öffentlich zugänglich. Die AVÖ vergibt dafür 1 CPD-Punkt.
The economic model of insurance is based on mutualization. Roughly speaking, this consists in considering that the good results of the majority of the insureds compensate for the losses linked to the claims of a minority. Mathematically, it is based on the law of large numbers and the central limit theorem. But new risks, on […]
The economic model of insurance is based on mutualization. Roughly speaking, this consists in considering that the good results of the majority of the insureds compensate for the losses linked to the claims of a minority. Mathematically, it is based on the law of large numbers and the central limit theorem. But new risks, on […]
The Communication for Actuaries course is tailor-made for actuaries and the situations that you encounter. It is an interactive training course that ensures that the theory is immediately applied through various exercises (e.g. exchanges in small groups, role-plays, discussions) that relate to terms or situations of your day-to-day work. The course is designed to […]
This session aims at describing the similarities and differences between the financial and prudential frameworks applicable to insurers. After a general overview, we will focus on discount rates and risk margin/risk adjustment including the expected changes from the review of Solvency II. A case study will then illustrate the application of those concepts to an […]
Natural Catastrophe Models are a key ingredient for the assessment of Nat Cat risk. Questions like “What losses do we expect from catastrophic events on average?” and “What losses do we need to expect in the worst case?” are becoming more and more relevant, in particular considering climate change. Natural Catastrophe Models try to answer […]
Inhalte: Die Funktionsweise des Pensionskontos Berechnung von Pensionskonto und Kontoerstgutschrift Teilgutschrift und Gesamtgutschrift Versicherungszeiten Teilversicherungszeiten Kindererziehungszeiten (als besondere TVZ) Zeiten einer freiwilligen Weiter- bzw. Selbstversicherung Splitting Aufwertung im Pensionskonto Kontoprozentsatz Verhältnis Gesamtgutschrift zur Pension Leistungsveränderungen außerhalb des Kontos Abschläge Invaliditätspensionen – Hinzurechnung iii. Freiwillige Höherversicherung Ausgleichszulagen und Bonifikationen Frühstarterbonus Sonderregelungen Arbeit während bzw. nach Pension […]
This session aims at giving an overview of the initiatives taken by EIOPA on Sustainability. We will then focus on ORSA explaining best practices on materiality assessment and scenarios. A summary of existing stress tests will be presented. We end up with a survey on climate ORSA. Anmeldeschluss: 2023-11-08
In recent years, machine learning techniques have found their way into the insurance world. While these methods generally improve model accuracy, both explainability and manual interventions continue to play a key role in risk and tariff modelling. This is why practitioners in many lines of business still apply Generalised Linear Models (GLMs) today for non-life […]
Vortragende: Markus Orasch, Miona Graorac Ort: Hotel Regina, Rooseveltplatz 15 Wien, 1090 Österreich Art der Veranstaltung: Präsenzseminar Preis: 790 Euro (inkl. Ust.), AVÖ-Mitglieder 710 Euro (inkl. Ust.) CDP-Punkte: 12
Recent developments and events have put some Emerging Risks in the spotlight, such as geopolitical risk, artificial intelligence, and climate change. However, there is a large number of further topics in the Emerging Risks universe that might warrant equal attention. Their assessment will always have to be specific to the individual company and its activities […]
Im Zusammenhang mit langfristiger Vorsorge, bei der der/die Begünstigte weite Teile des Performancerisikos trägt, ist das Konzept des ALM mangels garantierter Leistungen nur beschränkt anwendbar. Es kann weiterentwickelt werden zum AEM um die Erwartungen des/der Begünstigten zu managen indem die Risken und Chancen besser transparent gemacht werden. Vortragender: Hartwig Sorger Datum: 14.11.2023 Uhrzeit 18;00 […]