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Practical Techniques from Asset Management Less Known to Actuaries

Various practical techniques and insights used in institutional asset management are less known to actuarially trained persons. As is often the case with practical applications, when you have seen an example, you appreciate a method. The course is divided into two-morning sessions from 9:00 to 12:30 with a half-hour break. The course has two aims. […]

Excel für Aktuare

Hotel & Palais Strudlhof Pasteurgasse 1, Wien, Österreich

Vortragende: Dr. Anselm Fleischmann Ort: Hotel & Palais Strudlhof, Pasteurgasse 1 Wien, 1090 Österreich Art der Veranstaltung: Präsenzseminar, bei Bedarf ist die Online-Teilnahme über MS Teams möglich   Preis: 510 Euro (inkl. Ust.), AVÖ-Mitglieder 460 Euro (inkl. Ust.) CDP-Punkte: 6  

€460 – €510

EAA Web Session: Mathematical Modelling for Actuaries

Actuaries are very experienced in modelling financial risks either stemming from population dynamics or from random events. Probability theory and statistics is their daily bread. But there are many other phenomena out in the world without having a direct financial impact but should be understood by actuaries as well. This web session is about models […]

EAA Web Session: CERA 0: A Refresher Course in Financial Mathematics & Risk Measurement


The web session "A Refresher Course in Financial Mathematics" gives an introduction to modern financial mathematics and derivative pricing. It is designed to prepare actuaries without adequate training in these fields for the quantitative parts of the CERA education. The web session is moreover an ideal learning opportunity for actuaries who want to become acquainted […]

EAA Web Session: Cross-Border: One Tariff for 27 EU countries?


Cross-Border business plays an important role in Europe´s insurance industry. For anyone running this business some topics are obvious. These are especially legal issues. Insurance supervision laws have been harmonised by Solvency, but not (yet) insurance contract laws or tax legislation.   Even if these laws have substantial influence on the calculation of tariffs, the […]

EAA Web Session: Experience-Based Insights & Trends in Asset Management

Dr Albert Einstein had a famous quote: “In theory, theory, and practice are the same. In practice, they are not.” Since 1900, science has tried discovering insights about (institutional) investing. This course discusses learning points and trends of well-known methods such as asset liability management. The approach is based on experience to indicate where theory […]

Experience-Based Insights & Trends in Asset Management

Dr Albert Einstein had a famous quote: “In theory, theory, and practice are the same. In practice, they are not.” Since 1900, science has tried discovering insights about (institutional) investing. This course discusses learning points and trends of well-known methods such as asset liability management. The approach is based on experience to indicate where theory […]

EAA Web Session „ESG Risk Management Beyond ORSA and Scenario Analyses“

So far, most of the industry’s player approached ESG risks exclusively from a scenario analysis perspective. However, scenario data can only cover a small portion of all ESG risk factors, while Risk Management should be able to get a comprehensive view of all risks an entity is exposed to. The integration with approaches that enable […]

Das AVÖ-Punschfest 2023

KLYO Urania Uraniastraße 1, 1010 Wien, Österreich

Die AVÖ lädt auch dieses Jahr zum gemeinsamen Punschtrinken ein, wir freuen uns auf Sie! Ort: KLYO Urania, Uraniastraße 1, 1010 Wien Wann: Montag, 11. Dezember 2023, ab 17:30 Uhr

EAA Web Session ‚Telematics and Actuarial Pricing‘


The web session first gives an overview of current practices of applications of telematics in Europe and outside of Europe. Then best practices in pricing with telematics will be discussed and that leads to an actuarial discussion about the inclusion of big telematics data into the actuarial data-pool. The web session will close with some […]

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