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Web Session: CERA 0: A Refresher Course in Financial Mathematics&Risk Measurement

The web session A Refresher Course in Financial Mathematics gives an introduction to modern financial mathematics and derivative pricing. It is designed to prepare actuaries without adequate training in these fields for the quantitative parts of the CERA education. The web session is moreover an ideal learning opportunity for actuaries who want to become acquainted […]

EAA Web Session: Introduction to IFRS9 for Insurers

Insurance companies are currently quite busy with IFRS17 and devote relatively little attention to IFRS9, its equivalent on the asset side that will go live simultaneously. The complexity of this standard must however not be underestimated. If only regular bonds, but also some banking products, appear on the balance sheet, IFRS9 poses quite some challenges. […]

“CERA, Module A: Quantitative Methods of ERM”

The 3-day web session assists actuaries in broadening their knowledge about modern quantitative financial and actuarial modelling; these topics form an essential part of the CERA syllabus. At the beginning of the online training we give a brief overview of the EAA-route to the CERA designation. The core part of the web session begins with […]

EAA Web Session: “CERA, Module A: Quantitative Methods of ERM”

The 3-day web session assists actuaries in broadening their knowledge about modern quantitative financial and actuarial modelling; these topics form an essential part of the CERA syllabus. At the beginning of the online training we give a brief overview of the EAA-route to the CERA designation. The core part of the web session begins with […]

“Aktivseitige, risikoneutrale Modellierung in einem Versicherungsunternehmen”

Freihaus Hörsaal 8 TU Wien Wiedner Hauptstraße 8-10, Wien, Wien, Österreich

Matthias Widman, d-fine Austria GmbH   Dienstag, 28. Feber 2023, 17:00 Uhr (Dauer ca. 1 Stunde)   In Präsenz: Freihaus Hörsaal 8 - Nöbauer Hörsaal, TU Wien, 1040 Wien, Wiedner Hauptstraße 8-10   Die AVÖ vergibt für die Teilnahme an dieser Veranstaltung 1 CPD-Punkt.   Es gibt keine Teilnahmegebühr.   Die Firma d-fine Austria GmbH […]

EAA Web Session ‘Loss of Nature & Insurers: Implications & Risk Manag. Approaches’


The consequences of biodiversity and ecosystem loss for humanity as a whole are potentially devastating. Ecosystems and biodiversity, among others, can be considered a source of defence against the effects of climate change and are closely interconnected with it.   Omitting to consider the importance of these aspects, mitigation and adaptation to the consequences of […]

EAA Web Session: Recent Developments in Climate Risk Scenario Analysis

Methodologies on Climate Scenario Analysis for insurers have been developing rapidly over last years. Ongoing attention by all stakeholders, pilot exercises all over the world and a substantial increase in awareness towards climate-related risks have incited insurers to develop and refine their stress testing capabilities on climate-related risks.   In this session, we will talk […]

EAA Web Session: Extreme Risk Analysis

The economic model of insurance is based on mutualization. Roughly speaking, this consists in considering that the good results of the majority of the insureds compensate for the losses linked to the claims of a minority. Mathematically, it is based on the law of large numbers and the central limit theorem. But new risks, on […]

EAA Web Session CERA, Module C: Processes in ERM

This module deals with the challenges of implementing ERM Processes. It includes requirements on ERM Processes and the discussion of best practices. It will be presented how to define an organisation’s risk strategy, risk appetite, risk tolerances and limits. We discuss how business strategy influences risk strategy and show their necessary interaction. We demonstrate the […]

EAA Web Session: CERA, Module D: ERM – Economic Capital

The present training is concerned with the question of economic capital in corporate management. Key aspects are economic valuation and performance, economic steering, key performance indicators, and value based management. A simplified case study for a life insurer shows in a nutshell the central aspects of corporate management in practice. The course consists of lectures […]

Assets and Liabilities Management (Part 2: Advanced)

For an insurance company, ensuring the proper coordination between assets and liabilities in order to achieve targeted financial objectives is of paramount interest. A strategy used to reach such objectives is "asset and liability management" (ALM in short). ALM can therefore be viewed as any ongoing process that defines, implements, and monitors financial strategies to manage […]

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