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EAA Web Session ‘Artificial Intelligence Act: The Insurance Fallout’


Kurzbeschreibung: The purpose of this session is to introduce the relevant aspects of regulation, timelines and consequences with respect to the actuarial practice. Starting from the study of relevant articles of the AI Act draft, we will develop an understanding of the impending consequences and likely interpretations of the legal framework. The seminar is structured […]

EAA Web Session ‘Socio-Economic Mortality Curves’


The goal of the session is to clarify the impact of various socio-economic factors on mortality and its impact on the valuation and risk-management of retirement products. At the end of the session people will have a good understanding of1)      Impact of socio-economic status on mortality rates2)      Impact of differences in mortality curves on product […]

EAA Web Session ‘Hands-on Adaptive Learning of GLMs for Risk Modelling in R’


The purpose of this web session is twofold:   First, you will gain an in-depth understanding of the algorithm including its underlying theoretical motivation and its statistical properties.   Second, you will receive a comprehensive executable R programme that implements the algorithm. During the web session we will discuss and apply the code hands-on by […]


Kurzbeschreibung: Schadenversicherungsmathematik ist ein Teil der berufsbegleitenden Aktuarsausbildung. Präsenz Termine 15./16. November 2024 09:00 – 14:30 Uhr Universität Klagenfurt Anmeldeschluss: 2024-11-11 Link: Kosten: 990 --


Kurzbeschreibung: Schadenversicherungsmathematik ist ein Teil der berufsbegleitenden Aktuarsausbildung. Präsenz Termine 15./16. November 2024 09:00 – 14:30 Uhr Universität Klagenfurt Anmeldeschluss: 2024-11-11 Link: Kosten: 990 —

EAA Web Session ‘IFRS 17 Risk Adjustment: Practical Approaches & Lessons Learned’


The session aims to provide participants with a comprehensive introduction regarding the risk adjustment concept under IFRS 17. We will shed light on the general concepts behind risk adjustment and its application within IFRS 17 and illustrate the importance of risk adjustment in measuring, presenting, and disclosing insurance contracts. The online training will also provide […]

EAA Web Session ‘Cyber Risk and Insurance’

Kurzbeschreibung: In modern economy, cyber risk has become a major challenge across many industries. As every prevention measure is limited, there is an increasing need for cyber insurance. In the last years, there was a strong evolution of cyber insurance.   In this session, the impact of cyber risk on various steps of the value […]

Rechtsforum & Pensionsversicherung

Es erwarten Sie spannende Vorträge und Diskussionen zu den Themen: -) Judikatur des OGH zu „Treu und Glauben“ im Versicherungsrecht. -) (Zu) strenge Anforderungen der Judikatur an Versicherungsbedingungen? - Die Perspektive der Versicherungswirtschaft. -) Aspekte der demografischen Entwicklungen in Europa und Österreich -) Ausgewählte europäische Pensionsarchitekturen im Vergleich Ort: Tiroler Versicherung V.a.G., Wilhelm-Greil-Straße 10, 6020 […]

EAA Web Session ‘Storytelling for Actuaries’


Through engaging lectures, interactive exercises, and real-world examples, participants will learn the fundamentals of storytelling: transforming data into stories, adapting to the audience and developing their own storytelling. By the end of this course, participants will emerge with a newfound appreciation for the narrative dimension of their work, equipped with practical tools to convey insights, […]

Event Series Schadenversicherungsmathematik


Kurzbeschreibung: Schadenversicherungsmathematik ist ein Teil der berufsbegleitenden Aktuarsausbildung. Universität Klagenfurt Online Termine 25./26. November 2024 09./10./11. Dezember 2024 13./14. Jänner 2025 Zeit: 15:30 – 17:00 Uhr Anmeldeschluss: 2024-11-11 Link: Kosten: 990 --

Event Series Schadenversicherungsmathematik


Kurzbeschreibung: Schadenversicherungsmathematik ist ein Teil der berufsbegleitenden Aktuarsausbildung. Universität Klagenfurt Online Termine 25./26. November 2024 09./10./11. Dezember 2024 13./14. Jänner 2025 Zeit: 15:30 – 17:00 Uhr Anmeldeschluss: 2024-11-11 Link: Kosten: 990 --

EAA Web Session ‘Calculation of Life Insurance Products by Means of Markov Chains’


The calculation of life insurance products is traditionally based on the approach of commutation values, whose table properties enable extensive actuarial calculations even without large computer capacities. However, especially for modern and more flexible life insurance tariffs, the calculation by means of commutation values reaches its limits, so that the calculation approach based on Markov […]

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