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EAA Web Session: Climate Day 3.0 – Actuaries & Climate Scientists Join Forces

Online-Veranstaltung (MS Teams)

The debate on climate change has rapidly evolved in recent years. It is no longer on whether the evidence of human impact on climate change is real, but on whether key mitigating strategies being adopted are sufficient. It is becoming increasingly evident that the actuarial community’s understanding of climate risk is not yet as developed […]

Cyber Security: „Facts, Trends und regulatorische Anforderungen“

In dieser Veranstaltung erfahren Sie aus erster Hand alles über die Cyber- Abwehr als Prozess der laufende Awareness aller Unternehmensbereich die Erwartung von Regulierung und Aufsicht inklusive internationaler Aspekte die Sicht- und Herangehensweise von Beratern und Prüfern. Anmeldeschluss: 2022-06-28 Link: Kosten: 419€

EAA Web Session: IFRS 17 – The Premium Allocation Approach

Online-Veranstaltung (MS Teams)

To enhance the applicability of the PAA, judgment of the details of the eligibility criteria is needed. We will discuss those details and the hurdles included. Further, we will discuss the details of the PAA measurement particularly in comparison with traditional methods which might be applied as approximation. The combination of the simplified approach together […]

“Aktuarielle Projektionsmodelle – mehr als nur ein Spielzeug für Aktuare”

Vortrag im Rahmen des Actuarial Modelling Clubs (AMC). Die Teilnahme ist kostenfrei. Die Veranstaltung ist öffentlich zugänglich. Die AVÖ vergibt dafür 1 CPD-Punkt. Veranstalter: Forschungsgruppe für Finanz- und Versicherungsmathematik der TU Wien in Kooperation mit der AVÖ Details und Anmeldung:

EAA Web Session: How to Read the New IFRS Balance Sheet for Insurers

Online-Veranstaltung (MS Teams)

The goal of the two hours web session is to provide participants with a comprehensive introduction on the new IFRS reporting requirements for insurance contracts after go-live of IFRS 17. Focus will be the illustration of the new reporting requirements of IFRS 17 to "demystify" the new presentation requirements on the IFRS balance sheet and […]

Convention A

From 19 to 23 September 2022 the EAA with support of actuview will organize the first CONVENTION A as an online only conference. Living the motto “Connecting Knowledge”, actuarial experts from all around the world will join the unique format of the CONVENTION A: Over five days and throughout all time zones, actuaries and partners from science […]

CERA, Module B: Taxonomy, Modelling & Mitigation of Risks

The seminar - this year organized as a web session - focuses on quantitative analyses of financial and non-financial risks of an insurance company and the effect and possible applications of risk mitigation techniques. After an introduction to the economic valuation of an insurance company, including stochastic valuation models and approximation techniques for life companies, […]

EAA Web Session: Dependence Between Longevity and Financial Risks

The purpose of this web session is to revisit the valuation of some life insurance products in a financial and longevity stochastic environment with potential correlation between these two risks. We will start from the very basic actuarial formula and present first our analysis using a simple bivariate correlated binomial model. Then, we will extend […]

EAA Web Session: IFRS 17: Scope and Unit of Account

Kurzbeschreibung: As first step in applying IFRSs to contracts which potentially might qualify to be in the scope of IFRS 17, it is necessary to identify the potential unit of account under IFRS 17, as referred to as “contract” under IFRS 17, which is the basis of considering whether it is within the scope of […]

EAA Web Session: Non-Life Pricing Using Statistical Techniques with R Applications

Non-Life insurance is facing many challenges ranging from fierce competition on the market or evolution in the distribution channel used by the consumers to evolution of the regulatory environment.Pricing is the central link between solvency, profitability and market shares (volume). Improving pricing practice encompasses several dimensions: Technical: Is our pricing adequate to cover the underlying […]

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