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1 Veranstaltung,
EAA Seminar ‘Open Source Tools R and Python: Extending the Tool of the Actuary’
Over the last years, typical data science tasks like data manipulation and modelling have gained a stronger foothold in the day-to-day professional life of the actuary. Open source languages are […]
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2 Veranstaltungen,
VersVG aktuell – Nicht erst aus Schaden klug werden: Deckung ja – Deckung nein?
VersVG aktuell – Nicht erst aus Schaden klug werden: Deckung ja – Deckung nein?
Zahlt der Versicherer oder zahlt er nicht?In dieser Veranstaltung wird aktuelle OGH-Judikatur in wesentlichen Praxisfragen zu Schadensfällen/Leistungspflicht des Versicherers quer durch die wichtigsten Sparten dargestellt – praxisbezogen und auch für […]
EAA Web Session ‘Discrimination-Free Pricing: of Limits & Possibilities’
EAA Web Session ‘Discrimination-Free Pricing: of Limits & Possibilities’
The purpose of this session is to introduce relevant concepts of pricing and discrimination therein as well as an overview of discrimination-reducing concepts from the literature. We will then draft […]
2 Veranstaltungen,
VersVG aktuell – Deckung ja – Deckung nein? Teil 2
VersVG aktuell – Deckung ja – Deckung nein? Teil 2
Zahlt der Versicherer oder zahlt er nicht? In dieser Veranstaltung wird aktuelle OGH-Judikatur in wesentlichen Praxisfragen zu Schadensfällen/Leistungspflicht des Versicherers quer durch die wichtigsten Sparten dargestellt – praxisbezogen und auch […]
EAA Web Session ‘Climate Change Scenarios in Context – A Stress Testing Case Study’
EAA Web Session ‘Climate Change Scenarios in Context – A Stress Testing Case Study’
Climate Risk scenarios are commonly used in the insurance industry for stress testing, but interpreting and communicating results is often challenging, given strong limitations and complex assumptions. Why are physical […]
1 Veranstaltung,
EAA Web Session ‘Strategic Balance Sheet Management (Business Game)’
EAA Web Session ‘Strategic Balance Sheet Management (Business Game)’
The goal of the workshop is to teach the participants the impact of the various levers an insurer can pull to manage its capital position and in turn manage its […]
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1 Veranstaltung,
EAA Web Session ‘Assets and Liabilities Management (Part 2: Advanced)’
For an insurance company, ensuring the proper coordination between assets and liabilities in order to achieve targeted financial objectives is of paramount interest. A strategy used to reach such objectives […]
1 Veranstaltung,
EAA Web Session ‘Introduction to Natural Catastrophe Modelling’
EAA Web Session ‘Introduction to Natural Catastrophe Modelling’
During the web session, the basic components of a Nat Cat model will be explained: Exposure data, the hazard, vulnerabilities, and the financial model. Additionally, sources of uncertainty will be […]
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1 Veranstaltung,
EAA Web Session ‘Cancer Survivors’ Right to be Forgotten’
EAA Web Session ‘Cancer Survivors’ Right to be Forgotten’
This web session aims to give an overview and a deeper understanding of the cancer survivors' Right to be Forgotten (RTBF) and its current development inside and outside Europe. We […]
1 Veranstaltung,
EAA Web Session ‘LLM Principles and Case Studies for Insurance’
This workshop is designed to provide a comprehensive introduction and hands-on experience with Large Language Models (LLMs), covering their theoretical underpinnings, practical applications, and the broader ecosystem in which they […]
1 Veranstaltung,
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1 Veranstaltung,
EAA Web Session ‘Communication for Actuaries’
The Communication for Actuaries course is tailor-made for actuaries and the situations that you encounter. It is an interactive training course that ensures that the theory is immediately applied through […]