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AA Web Session ‚Understanding IFRS 17‘

8. Mai, 09:00 - 16:30

In 2017, after more than two decades of debates, outreach and Exposure Drafts, the IASB finally published the new IFRS 17 standard for Insurance Contracts. After additional three years of further debates on several actuarial and accounting-related aspects of the implementation, the IASB issued amendments to IFRS 17 on 25 June 2020, which included a postponed effective date of IFRS 17 by two years to allow for an orderly adoption and at the same time to enable more insurers to implement the new IFRS 17. The new standard is now effective since 1 January 2023 and changed fundamentally the way insurance companies present their obligations and their financial performance stemming from insurance contracts according to IFRS.

As evolving experience shows, actuaries play a key role in this area. The standard requires many fundamental decisions, which determines the amount and profile of IFRS results for years to come. Complex measurement models have been developed and the collaboration and communication with accounting functions has become more intense and more complex. Actuaries need to explain the actuarial valuation output as well as the impact of applied accounting decisions and the corresponding consequences for the financial statements to their top-management.

Accordingly, a strong focus of this web session lies on the accounting framework in which actuaries operate. It addresses the specifics of all relevant insurance lines of business and highlights key conceptual topics and options the standard offers for implementation. It will also address the impact on transition, which will often affect the financial statements for years to come. The web session will be useful for both finance and actuarial experts involved in IFRS 17 implementation or simply interested in the practical application of this ground-breaking new standard.
Anmeldeschluss: 2025-05-06



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