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EAA Web Session ‚Cyber Risk and Insurance‘

21. November 2024, 10:00 - 22. November 2024, 12:00

Kurzbeschreibung: In modern economy, cyber risk has become a major challenge across many industries. As every prevention measure is limited, there is an increasing need for cyber insurance. In the last years, there was a strong evolution of cyber insurance.


In this session, the impact of cyber risk on various steps of the value chain is analysed, including (but not limited to) modelling and risk management. The focus of this session is to provide a hands-on approach to actuarial challenges within cyber insurance and to highlight practical solutions. There will be discussions and group interaction, we would appreciate participants willing to actively contribute and therefore recommend to prepare for the agenda items.

Anmeldeschluss: 2024-11-20



21. November 2024, 10:00
22. November 2024, 12:00

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