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EAA Web Session ‚IFRS 17 Risk Adjustment: Practical Approaches & Lessons Learned‘

20. November 2024, 10:00 - 12:00

The session aims to provide participants with a comprehensive introduction regarding the risk adjustment concept under IFRS 17. We will shed light on the general concepts behind risk adjustment and its application within IFRS 17 and illustrate the importance of risk adjustment in measuring, presenting, and disclosing insurance contracts.

The online training will also provide insights into the most commonly used practical methodical concepts. Practical examples and case studies will be used to illustrate the application of risk adjustment within the IFRS 17 framework.

In addition, insights into emerging market views will be shared, and participants will have the opportunity to discuss these topics. Challenges and considerations specific to the European markets will also be discussed.

By formulating the points in this way, participants will gain a clear understanding of the objectives of the training and how it will assist them in navigating the complexities of risk adjustment within the IFRS 17 framework.
Anmeldeschluss: 2024-11-19


20. November 2024
10:00 - 12:00



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