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EAA Web Session ‚State of the Art Tech in Actuarial Science‘

1. März 2024, 10:00 - 12:00

Technology drives actuarial calculations. The more and better we are able to calculate risks due to advances in technology, the regulators and auditors expect to see this embedded into companies. This session will focus on State of the Art Technology in Actuarial Science.


Technological improvements have the goal to make our day-to-day jobs easier and faster. Yet without understanding the underlying technology, new dependencies are created. This web session will focus on newly formed best practices in the global insurance industry regarding emerging technologies. You will learn the details on:


Advantages and disadvantages of running calculations in the cloud versus on-premise and hybrid setups, and between various cloud providers, Why different industries adopted Graphical Processing Units for their (actuarial) calculations, How AI is limited in its success across the insurance industry for various business purposes; and where it is a proven success, The impact of modern technology such as semi-SQL GPU databasing and cloud API connectivity for a financial company,

2023 tech that has not been embedded in the insurance industry.

Anmeldeschluss: 2024-02-28


1. März 2024
10:00 - 12:00

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