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EAA Web Session ‚System Migrations of Life Insurance Contracts: DON’T JUST MIGRATE‘

4. November 2024, 09:00 - 12:15

During the seminar, the aforementioned will be concretely illustrated based on a migration of a very diverse classic life insurance portfolio (with guaranteed life and/or death performance in various combinations). On the one hand, we will go over the different steps (actuarial and non-actuarial- in a migration project and on the other hand, we will demonstrate how this portfolio can a) be migrated to a modern generic cash-flow-driven management platform (universal life + unit linked), and b) at the same time the life insurance policies can also be renewed. During the seminar participants will understand that the underlying renewal is fundamental to make the migration a real success: both for the insurer and for the policyholders and beneficiaries.Although the aforementioned will be illustrated from Belgian practice, we believe that this innovative migration strategy is useful, relevant and innovative in many other countries.

Anmeldeschluss: 2024-11-03


4. November 2024
09:00 - 12:15

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