EAA Web Session CERA, Module C: Processes in ERM
This module deals with the challenges of implementing ERM Processes. It includes requirements on ERM Processes and the discussion of best practices. It will be presented how to define an […]
This module deals with the challenges of implementing ERM Processes. It includes requirements on ERM Processes and the discussion of best practices. It will be presented how to define an […]
The present training is concerned with the question of economic capital in corporate management. Key aspects are economic valuation and performance, economic steering, key performance indicators, and value based management. […]
For an insurance company, ensuring the proper coordination between assets and liabilities in order to achieve targeted financial objectives is of paramount interest. A strategy used to reach such objectives is […]
The aim of this web session is to present some advanced actuarial/statistical techniques used in non-life pricing, competition analysis and profitability analysis. The websession focuses on some practical problems faced […]
More than three years into the pandemic, uncertainties still remain about the ongoing and long-term impact on health caused by the Covid-19 infection and the pandemic situation. This includes sequelae […]
This session aims at describing the similarities and differences between the financial and prudential frameworks applicable to insurers. After a general overview, we will focus on discount rates and risk […]
The goal of the two-day web session is to provide participants with a comprehensive introduction to the new measurement, presentation and disclosure guidance for insurance contracts. It will cover life, […]
Die Versicherungsbranche ist im Wandel – sie ist besonders betroffen (und kann gleichzeitig besonders profitieren) von Digitalisierung und Automatisierung. Künstliche Intelligenz erlaubt es, viele Prozesse in Risikomanagement, Marketing und Schadenabwicklung […]
IFRS 17 requires that risks inherent in the cash flows of the insurance contracts are considered in measurement, differentiating between financial risks and non-financial risks. While the financial risks are […]
The goal of this two-day training is to introduce the participants to both open source ecosystems and to get a good understanding of both languages. However, since both ecosystems are […]
Vortragende: Ulrike Ebner, Wolfgang Mederer, Martin Buchleitner, Cyrus Razavi, Andreas Missbauer Inhalte: Mit 1.1.2023 ist der neue Internationale Bilanzierungsstandard für Versicherungen IFRS 17 in Kraft getreten, spätestens ab diesem Zeitpunkt […]