Introduction to Natural Catastrophe Modelling
Natural Catastrophe Models are a key ingredient for the assessment of Nat Cat risk. Questions like “What losses do we expect from catastrophic events on average?” and “What losses do […]
Natural Catastrophe Models are a key ingredient for the assessment of Nat Cat risk. Questions like “What losses do we expect from catastrophic events on average?” and “What losses do […]
Inhalte: Die Funktionsweise des Pensionskontos Berechnung von Pensionskonto und Kontoerstgutschrift Teilgutschrift und Gesamtgutschrift Versicherungszeiten Teilversicherungszeiten Kindererziehungszeiten (als besondere TVZ) Zeiten einer freiwilligen Weiter- bzw. Selbstversicherung Splitting Aufwertung im Pensionskonto Kontoprozentsatz […]
This session aims at giving an overview of the initiatives taken by EIOPA on Sustainability. We will then focus on ORSA explaining best practices on materiality assessment and scenarios. A […]
In recent years, machine learning techniques have found their way into the insurance world. While these methods generally improve model accuracy, both explainability and manual interventions continue to play a […]
Vortragende: Markus Orasch, Miona Graorac Ort: Hotel Regina, Rooseveltplatz 15 Wien, 1090 Österreich Art der Veranstaltung: Präsenzseminar Preis: 790 Euro (inkl. Ust.), AVÖ-Mitglieder 710 Euro (inkl. Ust.) CDP-Punkte: 12
Recent developments and events have put some Emerging Risks in the spotlight, such as geopolitical risk, artificial intelligence, and climate change. However, there is a large number of further topics […]
Im Zusammenhang mit langfristiger Vorsorge, bei der der/die Begünstigte weite Teile des Performancerisikos trägt, ist das Konzept des ALM mangels garantierter Leistungen nur beschränkt anwendbar. Es kann weiterentwickelt werden zum […]
Various practical techniques and insights used in institutional asset management are less known to actuarially trained persons. As is often the case with practical applications, when you have seen an […]
Various practical techniques and insights used in institutional asset management are less known to actuarially trained persons. As is often the case with practical applications, when you have seen an […]
Vortragende: Dr. Anselm Fleischmann Ort: Hotel & Palais Strudlhof, Pasteurgasse 1 Wien, 1090 Österreich Art der Veranstaltung: Präsenzseminar, bei Bedarf ist die Online-Teilnahme über MS Teams möglich Preis: 510 Euro (inkl. […]
Actuaries are very experienced in modelling financial risks either stemming from population dynamics or from random events. Probability theory and statistics is their daily bread. But there are many other […]
The web session "A Refresher Course in Financial Mathematics" gives an introduction to modern financial mathematics and derivative pricing. It is designed to prepare actuaries without adequate training in these […]