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EAA Web Session ‚Credit Risk‘


Credit risk arises from the potential that a borrower or counterparty fails to meet its financial obligations. This can be related to a deterioration of the financial or liquidity position […]

EAA Web Session „Data Science for Executives“

In today's data-driven world, the ability to extract insights from vast amounts of data is a critical skill for managers. This course provides an introduction to data science principles and […]

EAA Web Session CERA, Module D: ERM – Economic Capital

The present training is concerned with the question of economic capital in corporate management. Key aspects are economic valuation and performance economic steering key performance indicators value based management A […]

EAA Web Session ‚Emerging Risks‘


Recent developments and events have put some specific Emerging Risks in the spotlight, such as geopolitical risk, artificial intelligence, and climate change. However, there is a large number of further […]

Mikroökonomie für Aktuare

Hotel Regina Rooseveltplatz 15, Wien, Österreich

Vortragende: Prof. Dr. Alfred Stiassny (WU Wien), Prof. Dr. Alexander Mürmann (WU Wien) Neben den reinen aktuariellen Fähigkeiten zur Bepreisung, Reservierung und Modellierung von Einzelverträgen und Versicherungsportfolien ist für Aktuar:innen auch […]

EAA e-Conference on Data Science & Data Ethics


The European Actuarial Academy cordially invites actuarial and data science experts, along with all professionals eager to engage in this dynamic discourse, to participate in this exclusive knowledge exchange platform: […]

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