EAA Seminar ‚Actuarial Data Science – Basic‘ in Vienna
We intend to give an introduction to the concepts of Actuarial Data Science and its applications. We start at the very beginning, so no prior knowledge is required. In […]
We intend to give an introduction to the concepts of Actuarial Data Science and its applications. We start at the very beginning, so no prior knowledge is required. In […]
This session will cover various practical aspects around physical climate risk modelling and scenarios analysis, including: Understanding how climate change affects different natural catastrophe risks for insurers. Exploring the modelling […]
Recent developments and events have put some specific Emerging Risks in the spotlight, such as geopolitical risk, artificial intelligence, and climate change. However, there is a large number of further […]
Vortragende: Prof. Dr. Alfred Stiassny (WU Wien), Prof. Dr. Alexander Mürmann (WU Wien) Neben den reinen aktuariellen Fähigkeiten zur Bepreisung, Reservierung und Modellierung von Einzelverträgen und Versicherungsportfolien ist für Aktuar:innen auch […]
The European Actuarial Academy cordially invites actuarial and data science experts, along with all professionals eager to engage in this dynamic discourse, to participate in this exclusive knowledge exchange platform: […]
Von der „Wiege“ bis zur „Bahre“ des Vertrags: Rechtsfragen, die in der alltäglichen Arbeitspraxis zu Abschluss, Konvertierung und Auflösung des Versicherungsvertrags zu lösen sind. Systematisch, praxisgerecht und auch für Nichtjuristen […]
An introduction into the physical and chemical basis of climate change will be given, which comprises both radiation equilibria and atmospheric processes that lead to global warming, commonly labeled as […]
The purpose of this seminar is to provide an overview on cyber risk and on the ability of cyber insurance to cover it. After an introduction describing the specificities (technological, […]
1. Tag: Gesellschaft - Wirtschaft - Nachhaltigkeit: Zukunftsfaktor Lebensversicherung 1. Keynote: „Werden Menschen bald 250 Jahre alt?“ Dank neuer Präparate soll es möglich sein, die biologische Uhr anzuhalten – oder […]
The goal of the two-day web session is to provide participants with a comprehensive introduction to the new measurement, presentation and disclosure guidance for insurance contracts. It will cover life, […]
Vortragende: Florian Nuding, Wüstenrot Bartosz Gaweda, Milliman Jan Küthe, Akur8 Vortrag im Rahmen des Actuarial Modelling Clubs (AMC). Die Teilnahme ist kostenfrei. Die Veranstaltung ist öffentlich zugänglich. Die AVÖ vergibt […]
This session aims at analysing the impact of IFRS17 versus Solvency II. After a general description of both frameworks, we highlight the most recent expected changes following the Solvency II […]