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Experience-Based Insights & Trends in Asset Management

Dr Albert Einstein had a famous quote: “In theory, theory, and practice are the same. In practice, they are not.” Since 1900, science has tried discovering insights about (institutional) investing. […]

Das AVÖ-Punschfest 2023

KLYO Urania Uraniastraße 1, 1010 Wien, Österreich

Die AVÖ lädt auch dieses Jahr zum gemeinsamen Punschtrinken ein, wir freuen uns auf Sie! Ort: KLYO Urania, Uraniastraße 1, 1010 Wien Wann: Montag, 11. Dezember 2023, ab 17:30 Uhr

EAA Web Session ‚Telematics and Actuarial Pricing‘


The web session first gives an overview of current practices of applications of telematics in Europe and outside of Europe. Then best practices in pricing with telematics will be discussed […]

AMC: POG – Der „neue“ Produktentwicklungsstandard


Vortragender: DI Lukas Ludwig, FWU AG   Vortrag im Rahmen des Actuarial Modelling Clubs (AMC). Die Teilnahme ist kostenfrei. Die Veranstaltung ist öffentlich zugänglich.   Die AVÖ vergibt dafür 1 […]

EAA Web Session ‚SCR Interest under Solvency II‘


This session aims at explaining the evolution of the interest rate capital requirement under the current formula versus the new formula following the SII review and how the deficiencies have […]

EAA Web Session: Socio-Economic Mortality Curves


Mortality curves are a critical ingredient for the valuation of any longevity-related product (for example, pensions, life insurance, reverse mortgages). Typically, several statistical agencies provide mortality curves differentiated on gender […]

EAA Web Session: Socio-Economic Mortality Curves


Mortality curves are a critical ingredient for the valuation of any longevity-related product (for example, pensions, life insurance, reverse mortgages). Typically, several statistical agencies provide mortality curves differentiated on gender […]

EAA Web Session ‚Liquidity Risk‘


This session aims at explaining the sources of liquidity, the requirements and supervisory measures under Solvency II, possible approaches and metrics to monitor and manage this risk.   We start […]

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