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EAA Web Session: Socio-Economic Mortality Curves


Mortality curves are a critical ingredient for the valuation of any longevity-related product (for example, pensions, life insurance, reverse mortgages). Typically, several statistical agencies provide mortality curves differentiated on gender […]

EAA Web Session: Socio-Economic Mortality Curves


Mortality curves are a critical ingredient for the valuation of any longevity-related product (for example, pensions, life insurance, reverse mortgages). Typically, several statistical agencies provide mortality curves differentiated on gender […]

EAA Web Session ‚Liquidity Risk‘


This session aims at explaining the sources of liquidity, the requirements and supervisory measures under Solvency II, possible approaches and metrics to monitor and manage this risk.   We start […]

EAA Web Session CERA, Module A: Quantitative Methods of ERM


The 4-day web session assists actuaries in broadening their knowledge about modern quantitative financial and actuarial modelling; these topics form an essential part of the CERA syllabus. At the beginning […]

EAA Web Session ‚IFRS 17: Guidance for Risk Adjustments‘


IFRS 17 requires that risks inherent in the cash flows of the insurance contracts are considered in measurement, differentiating between financial risks and non-financial risks. While the financial risks are […]

IFRS 17: Guidance for Risk Adjustments

IFRS 17 requires that risks inherent in the cash flows of the insurance contracts are considered in measurement, differentiating between financial risks and non-financial risks. While the financial risks are […]

EAA Web Session: Cash Balance Pension Schemes


The objective of this web session is to give an overview of these Cash Balance mechanisms and illustrate some interesting actuarial problems of the topic. In a first part, we […]

EAA Web Session ‚Credit Risk‘


Credit risk arises from the potential that a borrower or counterparty fails to meet its financial obligations. This can be related to a deterioration of the financial or liquidity position […]

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