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AA Web Session ‚Understanding IFRS 17‘


In 2017, after more than two decades of debates, outreach and Exposure Drafts, the IASB finally published the new IFRS 17 standard for Insurance Contracts. After additional three years of […]

2025 Summer School for Actuaries

The Summer School for Actuaries 2025 focuses on providing in-depth theoretical and practical insights into climate risk modelling. Mathematical and statistical models will be used to simulate the potential effects […]

EAA Seminar ‚Python for Actuaries‘ in Vienna

The purpose of this seminar is to equip actuaries with practical Python skills that they can apply directly to their professional work. Python offers powerful tools for data analysis, visualization, […]

Reinsurance Optimization (Workshop) – Prime Re Academy

This 2-days workshop teaches the participants the theoretical knowledge they need to price and structure reinsurance programs, and it enables them to put this acquired know-how into practice on the […]



Novotel Canettistraße 6, Wien, Wien, Österreich

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