EAA Web Session: Macro-Level Actuarial Reserving Models
Over time, the understanding of all the assumptions behind the typically used reserving models can have grown a bit stale, and more recent developments might not have percolated all the […]
Over time, the understanding of all the assumptions behind the typically used reserving models can have grown a bit stale, and more recent developments might not have percolated all the […]
Over time, the understanding of all the assumptions behind the typically used reserving models can have grown a bit stale, and more recent developments might not have percolated all the […]
The Professionalism Plus course is about augmenting your professionalism skills to enhance both your self-interest and your capacity to create win-win outcomes from your professional interactions. The course is a […]
Life annuities are aimed at providing income and, notably, post-retirement income. In the context of health insurance, long-term care insurance (LTCI) products conversely aim at protection against the risk of […]
The Professionalism Plus course is about augmenting your professionalism skills to enhance both your self-interest and your capacity to create win-win outcomes from your professional interactions. The course is a […]
Vortrag im Rahmen des Actuarial Modelling Clubs (AMC), die Teilnahme ist kostenfrei. Die AVÖ vergibt für die Teilnahme an dieser Veranstaltung einen CPD-Punkt. Vortragende: DI Mario Kasper (SCOR Global Life) […]
Many demographic studies have shown an important positive relationship between life expectancy and socio economic conditions. Shortly summarized, we could say that rich people live longer than poor people. The […]
The objective of this web session is that participants should become familiar with machine learning techniques used to solve practical problems in finance, banking and insurance. To achieve this we […]
In this web session, we discuss present trends relating to life insurance products and the development of life insurance products. We will deal with savings, retirement as well as risk […]
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, endlich sind persönliche Treffen wieder möglich. Wir laden daher alle AVÖ-Mitglieder und unterstützenden Mitglieder recht herzlich zum Punschfest 2021 ein. Ort: KLYO Urania, Uraniastraße 1, […]
Vortragender: DI Sven Jörgen, Geschäftsführer Valida Consulting GesmbH Im ersten Abschnitt des zweiteiligen Online-Seminars stellt Sven Jörgen die Mathematik der Pensionsversicherung dar mit Schwerpunkten Rechnungsgrundlagen und Finanzierungsverfahren. Im zweiten Abschnitt geht […]
Vortragender: DI Sven Jörgen, Geschäftsführer Valida Consulting GesmbH Im ersten Abschnitt des zweiteiligen Online-Seminars stellt Sven Jörgen die Mathematik der Pensionsversicherung dar mit Schwerpunkten Rechnungsgrundlagen und Finanzierungsverfahren. Im zweiten Abschnitt geht […]