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ÖFdV GmbH: Berufsständisches Seminar – Professionalism

Zur Förderung des Berufsstands verlangt die AVÖ vor der Aufnahme in die Sektion Anerkannter Aktuare unter anderem die Teilnahme an einem berufsständischen Seminar. Die Inhalte entsprechen internationalen Anforderungen, insbesondere jenen des IAA Education Syllabus. Zur Teilnahme am Seminar sind auch Anerkannte Aktuarinnen und Aktuare herzlich eingeladen, diese können für die Teilnahme sechs CPD-Punkte erwerben. Das […]

EAA Web Session: Micro Reserving in Non-Life Insurance: A Challenge for Risk Management

The objective of this web session is to propose a use of machine learning tools in the reserving process of non-life insurance. Starting with a brief presentation of possible data science applications for data completion and analyses, the web session presents a new approach for micro reserving, based on machine learning technics and classical actuarial […]

EAA Web Session: Web Session: CERA, Module B: Taxonomy, Modelling and Mitigation of Risks

This course - this year organized as a web session - is one part in a course that consists of four modules. They can be booked as a whole series to fulfil the requirements for receiving the CERA designation, or individually as CPD training. Written exams on the course are offered subsequently. Registration deadline: 23 […]

EAA Web Session: Web Session: CERA, Module B: Taxonomy, Modelling and Mitigation of Risks

This course - this year organized as a web session - is one part in a course that consists of four modules. They can be booked as a whole series to fulfil the requirements for receiving the CERA designation, or individually as CPD training. Written exams on the course are offered subsequently. Registration deadline: 23 […]

EAA Web Session: Web Session: CERA, Module B: Taxonomy, Modelling and Mitigation of Risks

This course - this year organized as a web session - is one part in a course that consists of four modules. They can be booked as a whole series to fulfil the requirements for receiving the CERA designation, or individually as CPD training. Written exams on the course are offered subsequently. Registration deadline: 23 […]

EAA Web Session: Web Session: CERA, Module B: Taxonomy, Modelling and Mitigation of Risks

This course - this year organized as a web session - is one part in a course that consists of four modules. They can be booked as a whole series to fulfil the requirements for receiving the CERA designation, or individually as CPD training. Written exams on the course are offered subsequently. Registration deadline: 23 […]

EAA Web Session: Non-Life Pricing & Profitability Analysis Using Machine Learning Techniques with R Applications

The aim of this web session is to present some advanced actuarial/statistical techniques used in non-life pricing, competition analysis and profitability analysis. The web session focuses on some practical problems faced by pricing actuaries and product managers and presents some new techniques used in non-life pricing in order to open new perspectives for product development […]

EAA Web Session: Non-Life Pricing & Profitability Analysis Using Machine Learning Techniques with R Applications

The aim of this web session is to present some advanced actuarial/statistical techniques used in non-life pricing, competition analysis and profitability analysis. The web session focuses on some practical problems faced by pricing actuaries and product managers and presents some new techniques used in non-life pricing in order to open new perspectives for product development […]

EAA Web Session: Non-Life Pricing & Profitability Analysis Using Machine Learning Techniques with R Applications

The aim of this web session is to present some advanced actuarial/statistical techniques used in non-life pricing, competition analysis and profitability analysis. The web session focuses on some practical problems faced by pricing actuaries and product managers and presents some new techniques used in non-life pricing in order to open new perspectives for product development […]

AMC: Wie überlebt man eine Pandemie als Aktuar?

Online-Veranstaltung (Zoom)

Vortragender: Frank Schiller, DAV-Vorstand und Leiter Ausschuss ERM und AG Pandemie Im Online-Vortrag im Rahmen des Actuarial Modelling Clubs (AMC) analysiert Frank Schiller zunächst den Verlauf der Pandemie seit nunmehr über einem Jahr und geht auf verschiedene Geschäftsbereiche und internationale Märkte ein. Dabei gibt er insbesondere anhand öffentlich verfügbarer Daten einen Überblick, wo die Pandemie […]

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