European Actuarial Academy (EAA)

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  3. European Actuarial Academy (EAA)
Veranstaltungen von diesem veranstalter

EAA Web Session ‘Life Biometric Assumptions: Bringing Together New & Classic Methods’


Advances in data analytics techniques, along with greater availability of data, have significantly impacted many industries. However, in insurance, these advances merely add to the technical foundations upon which the industry was built. It is only recently that modern data analytics techniques have begun to impact insurance companies, especially in the work actuaries do. The […]

EAA Web Session Inflation Risk Management


Over the last five years many countries have seen substantial swings in inflation. This volatility, following an extended period of relative stability, has reminded actuaries that unexpected changes in inflation rates can have big implications for organisations that they work for. Insurers and pension funds wanting to manage inflation risks will typically find it beneficial […]

EAA Web Session ‘Stochastic Projection Models in Life Insurance’

This web session provides an overview of three conceptually different approaches for stochastic life insurance projection models currently observable in the market. It compares their key ideas, explains their strengths & challenges, and introduces the underlying mathematical / actuarial methodologies. Concerning the application of the comparably little-known Liability-2-Step approach, the session will present the operational […]

EAA Web Session ‘ESG Investing from a (Retail) Investor Point of View’


The aim of this web session is to provide the audience an overview of ESG and sustainability developments first, and then to explore in more detail developments for investment both from a corporate and retail point of view. Anmeldeschluss: 2024-12-12 Link:

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