European Actuarial Academy (EAA)

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  3. European Actuarial Academy (EAA)
Veranstaltungen from this veranstalter

EAA Web Session ‘Volatility Adjustment under Solvency II’


This session aims at explaining the evolution of the Volatility Adjustment (VA) under the current formula versus the new formula following the SII review and how the deficiencies have been addressed. We also focus on how to manage basis risk coming from the VA as part of the ORSA. Anmeldeschluss: 2024-02-20

EAA Web Session ‘IFRS 17: The Premium Allocation Approach’


To enhance the applicability of the PAA, judgment of the details of the eligibility criteria is needed. We will discuss those details and the hurdles included. Further, we will discuss the details of the PAA measurement particularly in comparison with traditional methods which might be applied as approximation. The combination of the simplified approach together […]

EAA Web Session ‘State of the Art Tech in Actuarial Science’

Technology drives actuarial calculations. The more and better we are able to calculate risks due to advances in technology, the regulators and auditors expect to see this embedded into companies. This session will focus on State of the Art Technology in Actuarial Science.   Technological improvements have the goal to make our day-to-day jobs easier […]

EAA Web Session ‘Credit Risk’


Credit risk arises from the potential that a borrower or counterparty fails to meet its financial obligations. This can be related to a deterioration of the financial or liquidity position of the counterparty ultimately leading to default. The sources and propagation of credit risk can be both specific and systemic. Insurers and banks are significantly […]

EAA Web Session ‘Commission’s Request to an Adapted Framework’


Solvency II-Review was initiated in February 2019 with Commission’s request for technical advice to EIOPA. This advice constituted the basis for Commission’s proposal for an amendment of the SII-framework and the proposal to deal with recovery and resolution in a separate Directive. Council and later Parliament proposed numerous amendments to these proposals. These have been […]

EAA Web Session ‘Understanding the Performance of an Insurance Company: An Introduction’


The seminar will alternate between methodological concepts, practical examples and case studies in order to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the techniques presented.   The instructor-led sessions will take place online over four days between 9:00 and 12:30.   The participants will be requested to look at 14 e-learning capsules (of around 30 minutes each): […]

Web Session ‘IFRS 17: Special Issues with Reinsurance Contracts’


The web session will cover the guidance of IFRS 17 specific for reinsurance contracts, explain their meaning and background, and discuss practical challenges in implementing the guidance. Further, some exemplary challenges arising from applying the general guidance to reinsurance contracts, particularly more complex forms, are explained. The session will focus mainly on risk cessions, i.e. […]

EAA Seminar ‘Actuarial Data Science – Basic’ in Vienna

We intend to give an introduction to the concepts of Actuarial Data Science and its applications. We start at the very beginning, so no prior knowledge is required.   In this three-day seminar, we cover a wide range of topics. This includes a basic introduction to the concepts and terms of artificial intelligence, modern data […]

EAA Web Session ‘Climate Risk Stress Testing for Physical Risk from Natural Hazards’


This session will cover various practical aspects around physical climate risk modelling and scenarios analysis, including: Understanding how climate change affects different natural catastrophe risks for insurers. Exploring the modelling of physical hazards under climate change for location-based portfolios and discuss peer-reviewed data that can be leveraged for this assessment. Step-by-step walkthrough of key elements […]

EAA Web Session ‘Emerging Risks’


Recent developments and events have put some specific Emerging Risks in the spotlight, such as geopolitical risk, artificial intelligence, and climate change. However, there is a large number of further topics in the Emerging Risks universe that might warrant equal attention. Their assessment requires a solid process for identification and analysis, using industry-standard resources and […]

EAA e-Conference on Data Science & Data Ethics


The European Actuarial Academy cordially invites actuarial and data science experts, along with all professionals eager to engage in this dynamic discourse, to participate in this exclusive knowledge exchange platform: The annual e-Conference on 'Data Science & Data Ethics', provides the forum for experts from the field of actuarial data science. Bring your expertise to […]

EAA Web Session ‘The Scientific Basis of Climate Change’


An introduction into the physical and chemical basis of climate change will be given, which comprises both radiation equilibria and atmospheric processes that lead to global warming, commonly labeled as climate change. We will discuss feedback loops, which are capable of changing earth’s surface temperature and related quantities in a disruptive and irreversible manner, with […]

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