European Actuarial Academy (EAA)

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  3. European Actuarial Academy (EAA)
Veranstaltungen von diesem veranstalter

EAA Web Session: Mathematical Modelling for Actuaries

Actuaries are very experienced in modelling financial risks either stemming from population dynamics or from random events. Probability theory and statistics is their daily bread. But there are many other phenomena out in the world without having a direct financial impact but should be understood by actuaries as well. This web session is about models […]

EAA Web Session: Advanced Concepts of Clustering in Insurance

The course shows how different algorithms can be used to obtain a segmentation of insurance data. The methods covered range from centroid-based (k-means, k-prototypes) to probabilistic (Gaussian Mixture Models) and density-based (DBSCAN) approaches. We demonstrate how the clustering results can be visualized and evaluated. Moreover, it will be shown how the clustering results can be […]

EAA Web Session: Understanding IFRS 17

The goal of the two-day web session is to provide participants with a comprehensive introduction to the new measurement, presentation and disclosure guidance for insurance contracts. It will cover life, health and non-life business, including the special guidance on direct participating contracts and shorter term non-life contracts and give useful examples. In the web session, […]

EAA Web Session: Understanding IFRS 17

The goal of the two-day web session is to provide participants with a comprehensive introduction to the new measurement, presentation and disclosure guidance for insurance contracts. It will cover life, health and non-life business, including the special guidance on direct participating contracts and shorter term non-life contracts and give useful examples. In the web session, […]

EAA Web Session: CERA, Module 0: A Refresher Course in Financial Mathematics and Risk Measurement

The web session gives an introduction to modern financial mathematics and derivative pricing. It is designed to prepare actuaries without adequate training in these fields for the quantitative parts of the CERA education. The web session is moreover an ideal learning opportunity for actuaries who want to become acquainted with or refresh their knowledge in […]

EAA Web Session: CERA, Module 0: A Refresher Course in Financial Mathematics and Risk Measurement

The web session gives an introduction to modern financial mathematics and derivative pricing. It is designed to prepare actuaries without adequate training in these fields for the quantitative parts of the CERA education. The web session is moreover an ideal learning opportunity for actuaries who want to become acquainted with or refresh their knowledge in […]

EAA Web Session: IFRS 17 – Derivation of the Adjustment & its Confidence Level

Online-Veranstaltung (MS Teams)

Under IFRS 17, the Risk Adjustment is intended to measure the compensation that the entity requires for bearing the uncertainty associated with the amount and timing of the cash flows that arises from non-financial risk. The IFRS 17 Risk Adjustment creates challenges for both life and P&C (re)insurers such as how to estimate it and […]

EAA Web Session: Actuarial Modeling for Cyber Risk

After an introduction to the specificities on cyber-risk, this session gives first steps towards a better understanding of cyber risk, by providing mathematical models and actuarial analysis. For a better quantification of cyber risk, we propose innovative models, both for the severity component (size of the claims) and the frequency component (accumulation risk and clustering […]

EAA Web Session: Actuarial Modeling for Cyber Risk

After an introduction to the specificities on cyber-risk, this session gives first steps towards a better understanding of cyber risk, by providing mathematical models and actuarial analysis. For a better quantification of cyber risk, we propose innovative models, both for the severity component (size of the claims) and the frequency component (accumulation risk and clustering […]

EAA Web Session: Setting Up Discount Rates Under IFRS17: Getting the Job Done

Online-Veranstaltung (MS Teams)

The IFRS 17 regulatory framework requires insurers to define the discount curve with respect to the liquidity characteristics of their liabilities. During this web session, we will review the regulatory requirements and the two main approaches recommended. We will then detail the steps involved in the construction of the IFRS 17 discount curve and highlight […]

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