EAA Web Session ‚Climate Day 5.0‘
Online/StreamingThe debate on climate change has rapidly evolved in recent years. It is no longer on whether the evidence of human impact on climate change is real, but on whether […]
The debate on climate change has rapidly evolved in recent years. It is no longer on whether the evidence of human impact on climate change is real, but on whether […]
Vortragende: Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. techn. Gerhard Sorger Ort der Veranstaltung: Hotel Regina Art der Veranstaltung: Präsenzseminar Zielgruppe: Aktuar:innen, Risikomanager:innen, Investmentmanager:innen, Controller:innen, Rechnungswesen Preis: 510 Euro (inkl. Ust.), AVÖ-Mitglieder 460 Euro (inkl. Ust.) CDP-Punkte: 6
Zahlt der Versicherer oder zahlt er nicht? In dieser Veranstaltung wird aktuelle OGH-Judikatur in wesentlichen Praxisfragen zu Schadensfällen/Leistungspflicht des Versicherers quer durch die wichtigsten Sparten dargestellt – praxisbezogen und auch […]
How to valuate future cash flows is a fundamental problem in both finance and actuarial science. (Pricing of financial products, premium and technical provisions of insurance contracts). However, traditional ways […]
Ort: Strandbar Hermann, Wann: Dienstag, 3. September 2024, ab 18:00 Uhr Wir bitten um eine Anmeldung bis 27. August 2024 über die AVÖ-Website oder per Mail und freuen uns […]
The main of the Workshop CCI 2024 is to enhance understanding of climate change impacts on the insurance industry. Without proper management of its climate risks, the insurance sector is […]
This web session is one part in a course that consists of four modules. They can be booked as a whole series to fulfil the requirements for receiving the CERA […]
Based on the building blocks known from Basic, we want to deepen some topics and present further important topics from the field of Actuarial Data Science. In this three-day training, […]
This ALM training starts with a first part that is primarily an introduction to main concepts of ALM and is therefore particularly suited for participants coming from different departments (for […]
By the end of the seminar, participants will leave with a toolkit of explainability techniques, an in-depth understanding of model interpretability, and the ability to use XAI approaches in practical […]
Over the last years, typical data science tasks like data manipulation and modelling have gained a stronger foothold in the day-to-day professional life of the actuary. Open source languages are […]
Zahlt der Versicherer oder zahlt er nicht?In dieser Veranstaltung wird aktuelle OGH-Judikatur in wesentlichen Praxisfragen zu Schadensfällen/Leistungspflicht des Versicherers quer durch die wichtigsten Sparten dargestellt – praxisbezogen und auch für […]