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Veranstaltung Ansichten-Navigation

  • Actuarial Modelling Club (AMC)
  • Aktuarvereinigung Österreichs (AVÖ)
  • European Actuarial Academy (EAA)
  • Österreichische Gesellschaft der Versicherungsmathematik (ÖFdV)
  • Österreichische Gesellschaft für Versicherungsfachwissen (GVfW)

CERA, Module B: Taxonomy, Modelling & Mitigation of Risks

The seminar - this year organized as a web session - focuses on quantitative analyses of financial and non-financial risks of an insurance company and the effect and possible applications […]

EAA Web Session: IFRS 17: Scope and Unit of Account

Kurzbeschreibung: As first step in applying IFRSs to contracts which potentially might qualify to be in the scope of IFRS 17, it is necessary to identify the potential unit of […]

EAA Web Session: Resilience for Actuaries Veranstalter: EAA

The Resilience for Actuaries course is an interactive training course that ensures that the concepts presented are immediately applied through various exercises whether individually or in small groups. It is […]

EAA Web Session: Machine Learning: More Art than Science?

Online-Veranstaltung (MS Teams)

Machine learning is currently on everybody's lips and seems to be a hot topic for many companies. But what is the story behind machine learning and does it really help […]